Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Famous Architects in China

A Chinese publishing company will be reprinting all three of my books in Chinese. That's right, Outhouses by Famous Architects, Mobile Homes by Famous Architects, and Phone Booths by Famous Architects will all be available in Chinese. It is my estimation that there has been a huge outcry from the world's most populated country to provide them with High American culture.  Of course these books go way beyond American culture.  I have not seen any of the reprints myself yet, but the picture above is how I imagine the cover will be modified (for those of you who read Chinese I hope the characters placed above don't say anything offensive).  If the book sells well to the Chinese,the publisher will send royalties my way occasionally. It will probably be like that Seinfeld episode where I will have a pile of $2.18 checks that will give me hand cramps.  I'm good with that though. 

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