Thursday, November 11, 2010

More book news

After so many years of marketing success, they will be taking the Phone Booths by Famous Architects books off the shelves.  The publisher has offered me a discount for the remaining stock.  So, I am pleased to offer these books to you at 1/2 price, which would include a personalized autograph to the person of your choosing. Shipping costs would be separate. 

If you are not familiar with this fine tome, it is a humor book based on architects.  This is the third in a series of books written and illustrated by yours truly, that focuses on building types that real architects typically do not design. The book takes an imaginary look at how some of the world's famous architects would design phone booths.  Supporting text explains who these architects are, or were, and why they are considered famous.  It also attempts to explain the thought behind their designs (that's where humor is attempted)

You do not need to be an architect to appreciate the humor, although architects may find some deeper meaning. Here is a pixelated sample page:
They are full color, hardback books, with a dust jacket. They make great gifts. Let me know if you are interested.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Famous Architects in China

A Chinese publishing company will be reprinting all three of my books in Chinese. That's right, Outhouses by Famous Architects, Mobile Homes by Famous Architects, and Phone Booths by Famous Architects will all be available in Chinese. It is my estimation that there has been a huge outcry from the world's most populated country to provide them with High American culture.  Of course these books go way beyond American culture.  I have not seen any of the reprints myself yet, but the picture above is how I imagine the cover will be modified (for those of you who read Chinese I hope the characters placed above don't say anything offensive).  If the book sells well to the Chinese,the publisher will send royalties my way occasionally. It will probably be like that Seinfeld episode where I will have a pile of $2.18 checks that will give me hand cramps.  I'm good with that though. 

Monday, November 8, 2010

Cartoons from last year

My stint as cartoonist for the Business Leader magazine(s) here in the Indianapolis donut region ended earlier this year. I didn't realize until today that I hadn't posted many of my cartoons. Some of them were funnier at the time they were drawn (at least that's what I'm telling myself), but I will let you be the judge. I was trying to dabble in pseudo-editorial cartoons which required keeping up with current events - who was I trying to kid?


Sausagefest 2010

There was some controversy over the artwork for the Indianapolis St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Sausagefest this year, which was titled Ascension Sausage.  But it was all good humored fun and I must say I think it came out quite well. This was my third straight year of providing the art for the event. Each year the event is getting larger and I'm sure it is due my professional drawings and unbelievable artistic concepts. The beer truck, grilled sausages of every flavor, live music, gambling, and kids games, I am sure have nothing to do with it.  There are already ideas in the works on how to top this year, and if an idea is too controversial there is even talk of black-marketing unruly Sausagefest shirts outside the festival grounds. But that is only a contingency plan at this point.

Join us next year.